"snips and snails, and puppy dog tails, that is what little boys are made of"
....but that doesn't really help me find out exactly what soon-to-be Mommy's are looking for in the form of fabric, material, and themes for the nursery. For some reason, little girl themes are pretty easy to sew for (flowers, pinks and brown/green, paisley, etc.) but when I go to the fabric store, there are so many options for little boys. Trains and cars? Monkey's or farm animals? Sports? Navy, light, or bright blues? Pastel or bright colors?
This is where YOU come in - I would love to hear your feedback on what stands out to your for your little boys. What themes are you drawn to? What color schemes? If you can, please leave a COMMENT on my blog (or on my facebook fan page) with ideas.....
THANK you in advance!!
And become a follower of my blog to keep up with giveaways and updates....
ETSY SITE: www.cutebabygifts.etsy.com