My college friend Lauren, mentioned in a previous post, is hosting a raffle to raise funds for the adoption of her third child.
You can check out pictures of the items being raffled at this Facebook photo album: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=562685&id=842010400&l=b81545c08e. Or, you can check out the rules and enter the raffle at her blog: http://www.luadopts.blogspot.com/.
I am so excited that CuteBabyGifts will be featured as one of the raffle entries! We are raffling off a CarSeat Blanket, and the link is shown here: http://luadopts.blogspot.com/2010/11/sneak-peek-7-pink-and-brown-carseat.html
I, personally, will be eyeing and bidding on a few adorable items! Those are: Sneak Peek #18, the photo session (for myself, for a newborn photo shoot in April!), Sneak Peek #6 Gift Cards (for myself to help out with Christmas shopping, and some to give away as stocking stuffers), and Sneak Peek #28 Jamba Juice gift basket for my boss!
What a great way to do Christmas shopping AND support a good cause!
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